Como to Nice Airport
How far is it from Como to Nice Airport?
Como to Nice Airport are located approx. 369 km from each other. The average trip Como to Nice Airport takes approx. 4 hour 20 minutes and depends on the traffic. We recommend choosing a private transfer with Nice-Transfer. The quickest, safest, and most reliable way to reach your hotel is to schedule private door-to-door transport. This way, you will save a lot of time since you can skip the unpleasant process of figuring out your route, navigating the city, and finding your way.
Nice Transfers Taxi Services offers a variety of services to meet your needs. We have it all if you need airport transfers, pick and drop, or business trips. We also offer private chauffeurs and minivans so that you can travel in style and comfort. With Nice Transfers Taxi Services, you can rest assured that your transportation will be easily taken care of! Need more information? Contact us.